Investigador Doctor

Dr. Daniel Martín de Blas

Dr. Daniel
Martín de Blas


Daniel Martín de Blas did his PhD in Physics in the Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (IEM-CSIC) getting the PhD title in 2013 from Universidad Complutense the Madrid. He studied a degree in Physics and  a Fundamental Physics Master degree both at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He got a Chilean FONDECYT postdoctorate project in 2014, associated first to the Universidad Nacional Andres Bello and second to the Potificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His current research interests are Numerical and Computational Methods applied to Magnetic Resonance Imaging.



Selected Publications



Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón

C/ Ibiza 43. Anexo Psiquiatría 1ª planta

28009 Madrid