Antiguos Compañeros

Dra. Ana Ortega Gil

Dra. Ana
Ortega Gil


Ana Ortega is a recent graduate on Telecommunication Engineering (specialized on networkmanagement) at University Carlos III of Madrid and is currently working as a predoctoral researcher in the Biomedical Imaging and Instrumentation Group (BIIG). Her research plan includes a set of activities focus on the combination of two preclinical imaging techniques: respiratory-gated and phase-contrast. Her pursuit is to become an evidenced-based engineer who broadens healthcare policies in community.



Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid:
● Medical Image Instrumentation and Devices 2014 – 2015 (Laboratory sessions)

Selected Publications



Biomedical Imaging Instrumentation Group - Departamento de Bioingeniería e Ingeniería Aeroespacial
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Avda. de la Universidad, 30
28911 Leganés. Madrid. Spain
Tlf: 916248200