Verónica García Vázquez was awarded a PhD in Multimedia and Communications by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in 2017 with International mention (visiting Scholarship at Clinical Image Guidance Laboratory, Brigham and Women´s Hospital, USA, 6 months). Her thesis was focused on evaluating new approaches to improve on existing information about Intraoperative Electron Radiation Therapy (IOERT). These approaches included the use of a multi-camera optical tracking system to obtain the pose of a specific IOERT tool and some kilovoltage (kV) computed tomography (CT) technologies to acquire intraoperative images for estimating IOERT dose distributions.
Her research interests cover areas such as image-guided procedures, tracking systems, 3D scanners, 3D printing, radiotherapy, and medical image segmentation, quantification, multimodal registration and statistical analysis in preclinical and clinical environments. She received ISCAS-CARS Best Student Poster Award in 2016 with a study that merged 3D printing and navigation for surgical guidance. She was also involved in the development of surgical planning software for patients with oculomotor dysfunctions and software for commercial small-animal PET/CT scanners, and in the statistical parametric mapping analysis of small animal imaging.
Assistant professor. Courses “Image Processing and Reconstruction” (3º), “Advanced topics in medical image” (4º). Biomedical Engineering degree. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). Second semester of the academic year 2016-2017. Language: English.
Assistant of practical classes. Course “Medical Instrumentation and Devices” (4º). Biomedical Engineering degree. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). 10 hours (2013/2014), 4 hours (2014/2015), 5 hours (2015/2016), 3 hours (2016/2017). Language: English.
Session about intraoperative radiotherapy in the international master “Máster Internacional en Aplicaciones Tecnológicas Avanzadas en Oncología Radioterápica”. Fundación Grupo IMO (Spain). Talk (30 min):
- Transition from intraoperative imaging to surgical navigation (2013).
- Intraoperative imaging: Experiences, devices and results regarding intraoperative update of the planning in intraoperative electron radiotherapy (2014-2016).
Participation in the practical classes during the rotations of the students at Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón. Biomedical Engineering degree. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). 2016.
Assistant of practical classes. Course in Image Processing with ImageJ. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). 6 hours (2013).
Assistant of practical classes. III Course in Statistical Analysis of Neuroimaging. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). 6 hours (2012).
Course in Radiological Imaging. (Unit 05: Processing of Radiological Imaging). Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior. Speciality "Diagnostic Imaging ". I.E.S. Escuela Técnico Profesional de la Salud de la Comunidad de Madrid. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (Spain). 2006-2012.
Selected Publications
García-Vázquez V, Marinetto E, Guerra P, Valdivieso-Casique MF, Calvo FA, Alvarado-Vásquez E, Sole CV, Vosburgh KG, Desco M, Pascau J. Assessment of intraoperative 3D imaging alternatives for IOERT dose estimation. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 2017, 27(3):218-231.
Brudfors M, García-Vázquez V, Sesé-Lucio B, Marinetto E, Desco M, Pascau J. ConoSurf: Open-source 3D scanning system based on a conoscopic holography device for acquiring surgical surfaces. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Version of record online: 21 November 2016.
Chavarrías C, García-Vázquez V, Alemán-Gómez Y, Montesinos P, Pascau J, Desco M. fMRat: An extension of SPM for a fully automatic analysis of rodent brain functional magnetic resonance series. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2016, 54(5):743-752.
Valdivieso-Casique MF, Rodríguez R, Rodríguez-Bescós S, Lardíes D, Guerra P, Ledesma MJ, Santos A, Ibáñez P, Vidal M, Udías JM, Otaduy MA, Calama JA, López-Tarjuelo J, Santos-Miranda JA, Desco M, García Vázquez V, Marinetto E, Pascau J, Calvo F, Illana C. RADIANCE—A planning software for intra-operative radiation therapy. Translational Cancer Research, 2015, 4(2):196 209.
García-Vázquez V. Revisión de artículo "Feasibility of integrating a multi-camera optical tracking system in intra-operative electron radiation therapy scenarios". Revista de Física Médica, 2014, 15(1):65-66.
Cussó L, Mirones I, Peña-Zalbidea S, García-Vázquez V, García-Castro J, Desco M. Combination of single-photon emission computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging to track 111In oxine-labeled human mesenchymal stem cells in neuroblastoma-bearing mice. Molecular Imaging, 2014, 13:1-10.
García-Vázquez V, Marinetto E, Santos-Miranda JA, Calvo FA, Desco M, Pascau J. Feasibility of integrating a multi-camera optical tracking system in intra-operative electron radiation therapy scenarios. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2013, 58(24): 8769–8782.
Martino ME, de Villoria JG, Lacalle-Aurioles M, Olazarán J, Cruz i, Navarro E, García-Vázquez V, Carreras JL, Desco M. Comparison of different methods of spatial normalization of FDG-PET brain images in the voxel-wise analysis of MCI patients and controls. Annals of Nuclear Medicine, 2013, 27(7):600-609.
Abella M, Vaquero JJ, Sisniega A, Pascau J, Udías A, García V, Vidal I, Desco M. Software architecture for multi-bed FDK-based reconstruction in X-ray CT scanners. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2012, 107(2):218-232.
Higuera-Matas A, Soto-Montenegro ML, Montoya GL, García-Vázquez V, Pascau J, Miguéns M, del Olmo N, Vaquero JJ, García-Lecumberri C, Desco M, Ambrosio E. Chronic cannabinoid administration to periadolescent rats modulates the metabolic response to acute cocaine in the adult brain. Molecular Imaging and Biology, 2011, 13(3): 411-415.
Janssen J, Díaz-Caneja A, Reig S, Bombín I, Mayoral M, Parellada M, Graell M, Moreno D, Zabala A, García Vázquez V, Desco M, Arango C. Brain morphology and neurological soft signs in adolescents with first-episode psychosis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2009, 195(3):227-233.
Janssen J, Reig S, Parellada M, Moreno D, Graell M, Fraguas D, Zabala A, García-Vázquez V, Desco M, Arango C. Regional gray matter volume deficits in adolescents with first-episode psychosis. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2008, 47(11):1311-1320.
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón
C/ Ibiza 43. Edificio prefabricado. 1ª planta.
28009 Madrid
+34 91 426 5047