Julio 2016: Asistencia a la UCL Medical Image Computing Summer School

Our researchers: Rocío López, David García Mato y Mónica García, assisted to the "Medical Image Computing Summer School" (MedICSS) held at University College London (UCL) in July.
Each of them worked on a different project througout the week:
Registration Project: The goal of this project consisted on introducing some image registration and validation strategies through examples. An existing software package was used by the students to perform registration and to assess the quality of the registrations.
Respiratory motion modelling: The goal of this project consisted on fitting and evaluating various different correspondence models that relate the internal respiratory motion, as represented by deformable registrations, to a respiratory surrogate signal, measured from the subject's skin surface. This modelling can be applied to a wide range of a different areas within the medical field.
Augmented Reality with OpenCV and VTK: The goal of this project consisted on introducing augmented reality through a simple demo using a web-cam, a prostate phantom, and augmented reality markers (ArUco) as a reference.