Marco Rivas got his Pharmacy degree in 2007 (University of Salamanca) and a Postgraduate in Business Administration in 2008 (UAM). After working in marketing departments at two pharmaceutical companies, he moved into R&D field. First, he worked as a project manager in a biotechnology firm and finally became more interested in transfer of knowledge. He took part in the set up of a Tech Transfer Office based on Gregorio Marañon Hospital. Nowadays, apart of collaborating with this Office, he works as a project manager for BiiG group and manager of ITEMAS network (spanish network for innovation in hospitals).
Selected Publications
Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual: 'Herramienta de gestión y cuadro de innovación', Nº de registro: M-008837/2014
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón
C/ Ibiza 43. Anexo Psiquiatría 1ª planta
28009 Madrid
+34 91 426 5017