I am a Pharmacist and during the last 18 years, I have studied the cellular mechanisms of disease, mainly focusing on the regulation of neural stem cells, neurogenesis and the immune system. I did my PhD and a first postdoctoral stay at the Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, under the supervision of Francisco Sánchez-Madrid, where I studied the mechanism of action of NSAIDs, the role of chemokines in rheumatoid arthritis and membrane metalloporoteases regulating leukocyte recruitment. These results yielded 4 first author or first co-author publications. I did a short internship in Servicio de Inflamatoria (Digestive Unit) of Hospital Clinic, Barcelona to learn intravital microscopy.
I then moved to the National Institute of Medical Research, London, UK funded by a Marie Curie fellowship to study the regulation of neural stem cells (NSCs) by the endothelium, under the supervision of Robin Lovell-Bagde. We described that Sox9 is a new marker of NSCs and that betacellulin can induce NSC proliferation and neurogenesis. These results were the basis of a new project to explore the potential of betacellulin to induce neurogenesis after stroke, a major cause of death and disability worldwide. I did a internships at King's College of London and Baylor College of Medicine (Houston) as part of a NIH grant that funded the project.
In 2010 I returned to Hospital Gregorio Marañon as a research Scientist where I got a second Marie Curie fellowship to study the regulatory effect of endothelium on human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC). During the first three years I set up different surgical and molecular biology techniques in the field of cardiology and we studied the cardioprotective effects of the DT1 diterpene in the context of ischemia/reperfusion. In 2013 I joined the Medical Imaging laboratory directed by Dr. Manuel Desco and resumed my studies in the field of neuroscience. I currently investigate new technologies for 3D visualization of neurons in the brain and I lead a line of research focused on the treatment of stroke with betacellulin and other NSC-stimulating factors. I have supervised more then 15 TFG and TFM and currently I am supervising 2 PhD students. I have attended more than 20 international meetings in which I have been invited to present my work.
Teaching and Supervision
During my PhD and my postdoc, I supervised predoctoral students in Hospital La Princesa, and medical students as part of the Nuffield Bursary Summer Programme at the National Institute for Medical Research, London. Currently, I am involved in the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM) Molecullar Bioscience Master Programme as a tutor and also in the TFG (Trabajo fin de grado) programme of the Bioengineering Degree of the University Carlos III, Getafe, Madrid as director and co-director. I have tutored more than 20 Master thesis and TFGs and currently I am the director of 2 doctoral thesis.
I am a teacher in:
Máster universitario de investigación en Medicina Traslacional. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2017-).
Máster in Física Médica. UNED: Módulo prácticas (2017-).
Other Merits
- Management Committee (MC) COST-CA16124 since 2017-
- Expert evaluator H2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2017-Twinning-
- ANEP manager, Cardiovascular and Bioengineer área. FIS central panel, Mineco, 2017.
- Evaluator of European projects Marie Curie: Call H2020-MSCA-IF-2015- LIF panel. 2015-
- Vicechair of European projects Marie Curie: Call H2020-MSCA-IF-2016- LIF panel. 2016, 2017, 2018-
- ANEP scientific projects evaluator: 2012-
- Member of Animal Ethical Commitee in IISGM (2014- ) and European Projects in IISGM (2015-)
- Member of the European Society of Cardiology (2011 - )
- Member of the Cell Biology Working Group of the European Society of Cardiology (2011 - )
- Referee of the journals Plos One, Stem cells, Histology & Histopathology, FEBS Letters, Journal of Cardiovascular Translational research,....
Selected Publications
-Imke Nehrhoff, Jorge Ripoll, Rafael Samaniego, Manuel Desco and MARIA VICTORIA GÓMEZ-GAVIRO. Looking inside the heart: a see-through view of the vascular tree. Vol. 8, No. 6 | 1 Jun 2017 | BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS
- MARÍA VICTORIA GÓMEZ-GAVIRO #, Evan Balaban, Diana Bocancea, María Teresa Lorrio, María Pompeiano, Manuel Desco, Jorge Ripoll, and Juan José Vaquero. #Corresponding author.
“Optimized CUBIC protocol for 3D imaging of chicken embryos at single-cell resolution.
Development. 2017 Apr 21. pii: dev.145805. doi: 10.1242/dev.145805.
- Michele Cioffi, Sara M. Trabulo, Mireia Vallespinos-Serrano, Jaimy Saif, Ultan P. Cronin, Manuel Perez, Joaquim Soriano, Deepak Raj, Manuel Desco, MARIA VICTORIA GOMEZ-GAVIRO, Lorena Cusso, Diego Megias, Alexandra Aicher*, Christopher Heeschen *. The miR-25-93-106b cluster regulates SDF-1 and PD-L1 expression in response to tissue injury. Oncotarget. 2017, Mar 28;8(13):21609-21625. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.15450.
- Lara-Pezzi E, Desco M, Gatto A and GÓMEZ-GAVIRO MV#.Neurogenesis: Regulation by Alternative Splicing and Related Posttranscriptional Processes. #Corresponding author.
Neuroscientist. 2016 Nov. 10. pii: 1073858416678604 Review.
- Imke Nehrhoff, Diana Bocancea, Javier Vaquero, Juan José Vaquero, Jorge Ripoll, Manuel Desco and MARÍA VICTORIA GÓMEZ-GAVIRO. 3D Imaging In Cubic-Cleared Mouse Heart Tissue: Going Deeper Vol. 7, No. 9 | 1 Sep 2016 | BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS.
- I Cuadrado*, MV GOMEZ-GAVIRO *, et al. (* first co-authors). A labdane diterpene exerts ex vivo and in vivo cardioprotection against post-ischemic injury: Involvement of AKT-dependent mechanisms. Biochem Pharmacol. 2014 Dec 31. pii: S0006-2952(14)00725-4.
- MV GOMEZ-GAVIRO#, PL Sánchez, Lovell-Badge, R. and Fernández-Avilés, F. #Corresponding author. Looking for the niche: substance delivery into the lateral ventricle of the brain; implantation of :the osmotic minipump system. Methods Mol Biol. 2013;1035:135-40.
- MV GOMEZ-GAVIRO#, Lovell-Badge, R., Fernández-Avilés, F., and Lara-Pezzi, E. The vascular stem cell niche. J. Cardiovasc. Transl. Res. 2012 Oct;5(5):618-30 Invited review. #Corresponding author.
- MV GOMEZ-GAVIRO#, A. Sessay C. Scott, S. Booth, A., Matheu. and Lovell-Badge R#. Betacellulin induces proliferación in the neural stem cell niche and induces neurogenesis. Jan Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2012. 109(4):1317-22. #Corresponding author
- Charlotte E. Scott, Sarah L. Wynn, A. Sesay, Catarina Cruz, Martin Cheung, MV GOMEZ- GAVIRO, Bo Gao, Kathrin S.E. Chea, Lovell-Badge R, Briscoe J. SOXE proteins, acting downstream of Sonic Hedgehog signalling, are required for the initiation and maintenance of neural stem cell properties. Nat. Neurosci. 2010. 13(10):1181-9.
- GOMEZ-GAVIRO MV, Domínguez-Luis MJ, Canchado J, Calafat J, Janssen H, Lara-Pezzi E, Fourie A, Tugores A, Mollinedo F, Sánchez-Madrid F, and Díaz-González F. Expression and regulation of the metalloproteinase Adam-8 during human neutrophil pathophysiological activation and its catalytic activity on l-selectin shedding. J. Immunol. 2007. 17:8053-8063.
- GOMEZ-GAVIRO MV*, García de Vicuña R*, Domínguez-Luis Mª Jesús, Pec MK, González-Álvaro I, Álvaro-Gracia JM and Díaz-González. CC and chemokine receptors mediate migration, proliferation and metalloproteinase production in fibroblast-like synoviocytes from rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2004. 50:3866-77. *Equal contribution.
- GOMEZ-GAVIRO MV, Gonzalez-Alvaro I, Dominguez-Jimenez C, Peschon J, Black RA, Sanchez-Madrid F, Diaz-Gonzalez F. Structure-function relationship and role of tumor necrosis factor- alpha-converting enzyme in the down-regulation of L-selectin by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. J. Biol. Chem. 2002. 277(41):38212-38221.
- Lara-Pezzi E, GOMEZ-GAVIRO MV, Gálvez BG, Mira E, Iñiguez MA, Fresno M, Martinez-A C, Arroyo AG, Lopez-Cabrera M. The hepatitis B virus X protein promotes tumor cell invasion by inducing membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 expression. J Clin Invest. 2002.110(12):1831-1838.
- GOMEZ-GAVIRO MV, Dominguez-Jimenez C, Carretero JM, Sabando P, Gonzalez-Alvaro I, Sanchez-Madrid F, Diaz-Gonzalez F. Down-regulation of L-selectin expression in neutrophils by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: role of intracellular ATP concentration. Blood, 2000. 96:3592-3600.
- Interviewed for Circulation" European Perpectives: Marie Curie Intraeuropean Fellowship for carrier development Nov 29 2011, 129.
- Interviewed for Circulation "European Perpectives in Cardiology, One day in the life of a young investigator". Nov 29 2012, 125.
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón
C/ Ibiza 43. Anexo Psiquiatría 1ª planta
28009 Madrid
+34 91 426 5067
- @MVGomezGaviro